Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quick Plea For Assistance

Sorry for the lack of posts. I got more wrapped up in the Masterpieces case than I thought I would while I was on vacation and the whole expired redemption card thing made me take a little bit of a step back from the hobby and focus on getting the room up here organized and cleaned up.

I do have a quick question to ask to see if anyone out there can give me some assistance. Is anyone out there familiar with McFarlane's Sports Figures? I have a Ray Allen that I mistakenly left out while the work was being done up here months ago. The figure is fine, but in the construction the ball that Ray is shooting was lost and the post that attaches him to the stand was broken. The Ray Allen figure sells for some serious bucks, so I'm not really looking to replace it, but I'm hoping that there's a cheaper figure that comes with those same accessories that I can buy to complete my Ray figure. I'm going to go over the pictures on the website and see if I can figure something out. I wish I could post something on their message boards, but there aren't any moderators anymore so I can't get access. If anyone out there knows anything it would be greatly appreciated.

ETA: I think I've been led to a solution. A friend pointed out that this is the same sculpt as the earlier Ray Allen figures. They were packaged differently and that threw me off. It should work perfectly though as long as I can get one for a decent price. They look to sell for a lot less than the Celtics version which is great.


Dawgbones said...

Post a picture, or email me one. I've seen some of them around here, but I don't know exactly what you are looking for. I might be able to help.
dawgbones (at) cox (dot) net

Offy said... - There are a few pictures right from the company. I need another ball and another post that the player connects to the base with.

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