Monday, January 16, 2012


So, it's been almost a year since I "redeemed" my Cheryl Miller autograph from Panini Basketball Hall of Fame. This set was fun, but it failed miserably because the price point was too high for something that was dominated by redemption cards, loaded with lesser known Hall of Famers and didn't include Michael Jordan. I like that it got a lot of autographs out there for players who didn't yet have any, but it's no fun pulling a $5 auto out of a $100 pack.

I had tried through the Panini website, Tweeting PaniniAmerica and leaving messages on the support phone number, but didn't have any luck in getting a replacement processed. Finally, with the help of Tracy Hackler, I got a call from Panini Customer Support.

It was disappointing to find out that this card is only booking for $25. Who is going to buy a redemption card for something that's probably never going to exist unless they want to see what they can get for a replacement. So, I'll be getting a replacement card that's around $25, but it's what was said after that which caught my attention. I could have sworn that I heard, "and a couple of packs of Hall of Fame."If that turns out to be true then I'll more than happy since the packs still sell for around $60 and I've slowly been chasing the base and black border sets.

Can't wait to see what shows up in the mailbox.


TJ said...

That would be nice! I like the look of HoF.

I'm having a real hard time with a redemption, too. I'm guessing because it's a low dollar item they don't want to deal with it, but still, I paid money for it. I don't have as much of a problem with Panini products as a lot of other people, but this isn't the first story I've heard about the customer service department not getting back to people.

flywheels said...

Good luck with the outcome. Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Good luck with your pulls. I'm interested to see what they send you for comparable value.

Twitch said...

Oh man, I just remembered I've never gotten my Lazar Hayward auto redemption from the Donruss set that I put in for early last... February?! Dang, I'll be looking into replacement immediately. Thanks for reminding me. Hope you get something awesome for your troubles. :)

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