Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mail Day: Dribs and Drabs


My eBay purchases have been dwindling as of late.  These days it is just so easy to get cards that I want cheaper elsewhere.  I’ve been buying bunches of cards at .18¢ a pop on Sportlots and have been getting other singles on for less money that you’d pay on eBay.  Still, there are still bargains to be found on eBay even with the $3 shipping fee that you’re going to pay most of the time.  Here are some of those bargains.

Dufex!  This 1995 Pinnacle Museum Collection card just had to become a part of my collection.  This is hands down the best parallel set ever.  I never minded getting common Dufex cards, but I’m not a big fan of getting common gold, mini or foil parallels.

Hopefully some card company brings back Dufex technology some day.  It’s much better looking than 99% of what the card companies are currently putting in packs.


Since I wasn’t all that happy with the kiss card that I got in my box of TNA Impact, I decided to see what some of the other ones are going for online.  I saw this one of Roxxi with a cheap price on it and jumped at it.  Roxxi is from this neck of the woods which is cool and I’ve always enjoyed watching her on TNA.  This is card 3 of 75 and is a fun card to add to my collection.


The only good thing about “Big Baby” Glen Davis getting injured is that there’s been a little less interest in his cards.  I won this for .99¢ and the shipping wasn’t bad.  I think it cost $2.50 delivered.  This isn’t the best looking card, but I like what they did with the sticker autograph.

Davis came back for 2 games before spraining his ankle and missing a game.  The Celtics on a whole are battling injuries at the moment.  Pierce will be out for a while, KG is going to miss a couple of games and reports state that Rajon Rondo will not be playing in Saturday’s game against the Raptors.  If this team is healthy once the playoffs start, they can bring championship #18 to Boston.  It looks like staying tough might be easier said than done though.


This is a very nice looking card and the auto is on-card.  The only problem is that Big Baby got a little carried away while signing this card.  It looks like it slipped or he was holding it crooked and he signed outside of the signing area.  It gives it a little bit of character.  Some day I may pick up a better version of this card, but this one is just fine for now.  I’ve got plenty of perfect Davis autographs.


I’m pretty sure that this is the only Ultimate Collection card that I own.  Those packs are way out of my budget and I’m not sure that I would buy them even if I could afford them.  I don’t see the difference between this card and something that you’d get out of the flagship set.  Every single card in packs that cost this much should be something special.  At least number the darn thing.


Here’s another set that I would never purchase any packs of, but there are some nice singles.  Topps refuses to get on-card signatures for its high end releases which can be annoying.  That’s one thing that Upper Deck really has going for them.  Most of the time, they have on-card autos on their high end releases.  Hopefully baseball isn’t full of nothing but sticker autos next year when Topps is the only game in town.


How many variations are there in this Sweet Spot Classic set?  I thought that I was actually getting close to having most of the versions out there, but then they started popping up in slightly faded gold ink.  I’ve also seen a red and blue stitched card that I missed out on.

Checking the Upper Deck site tells me that this was once black ink on this card.  I had forgotten about the fading issues with 2007 Sweet Spot.  Good thing I scanned this card because one day I may no longer be able to see the autograph.


Here’s a different card with faded black ink on a silver stitched baseball.  This one hasn’t bled badly, but the black ink has faded and looks gold.

To answer my previous questions, there are 16 different Dwight Evans autograph cards in the set including 4 1/1s, 4 bat barrels, and 4 glove.  I love the gold and silver ink cards that I have from this set, but these others leave a lot to be desired.  I may just have to forget that they exist and not pick them up for the Dewey player collection.

That’s it for now.  I’ve got a bunch of cards sitting in the CheckOutMyCards warehouse waiting to be shipped to me.  Once I get those shipped to me, there will be a nice sized mail day post for those.

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